when are you done comparing IC's

i'm getting kinda burnt out on comparing IC's. found a pair i like but can't say "these are it". between the burning-in (yes...i believe in it),actual comparisons, buying and selling....seems i might be trying too hard. got me wondering what you veterans do?.

i've gone through 7 total in about 3.5 months. was fun at first and i did learn alot. tried a wide variety of cables that were within my budget. now it's getting old.

have always been a "get it done now" kinda guy. am doubting this attitude works on tasks like IC shopping.

do you guys knock it out?. buy a bunch of cables and bust butt to figure it out....one after the other? once you've decided are you done? do you stop looking/listening to new lines?.

or do you chill. find one you like (maybe not love), and slowly keep looking/listening. trying a new IC every now and then. is it always a work in progress?

think it's pretty obvious that i need to step away. question is...am i done? do i keep looking for near-perfection if such a thing even exists?

can't help but think i'm not "smelling the roses" and being a spaz about the whole thing.
yep...wall has been hit and my face is flat. i'm stepping away from the ic's with my hands up.... after i demo one last set of MIT's that is ;-)

Just 'member to breathe. Routinely.

Room treatments attend to whatever sound is being demonstrated regardless the system. there's some mighty cheap/inexpensive paths for them too. Especially if DIY is not out of the question for you.

Tons of info hereabouts on the 'gon you can search out... or Google for. Cheap cheap.

"Finding the Right Interconnect is like Finding the Right Woman."

You can't bring home 7 at a time!

I have evaluated dozen of interconnects, and the cables that really stands out by big margin from the rest were Kimber KS1030 ($1800/1m), Nordost Heimdall ($669/1m) and Nordost Frey ($999/1m). Not the most serious high-end, rahther not overpriced happy-to-live-ever-after mid hi-end. In, fact Kimber is right now even overpriced after recent price increase (Not so much time ago KCAG was $600, now $900, etc.).

So my journey ended when I came to heidmall/frey.

Nordost from my point of view is probably the most ultimate cable manufacturer. I also like their speakers cables, because you can search for your perfect sound not only jumping through the ranges, but evaluating different lengths (10 feet long sound oh so different compared to 20 feet long, etc). But the topic is about interconnects.

""Finding the Right Interconnect is like Finding the Right Woman." "

.... and they all have their own attributes and baggage.

"You can't bring home 7 at a time!"

What if you're Mormon?