Thiel 2.3 Proceed gear speaker and interconnects

I cuurently have a setup including Thiel 2.3's and MCS1 with a Proceed HPA2 and 3 and AVP. I demoed some cables a while ago which included Cardas and Nordost. At the time I felt that the Nordost Blue Heaven and Red Dawn produced a much less colored sound than the Cardas cables. I then went to install Blue Heaven speaker cables and Red Dawn interconnects. For a long time I have had this setup and more and more the lstening fatigue is growing because everything is quite edgy and to many they would assume this.

I want to try some new cables, bt would like some direction to recommended pairings from Audioquest and Cardas as well as others that will warm things up and bring back listening enjoyment.
SR Tesla cables work very well with Thiels, in fact the first time I heard the combo was a couple years ago at RMAF. Lots of detail with warmth and a huge soundstage. I did a Google (Synergistic Research Tesla Theil) and found this link among others

it's always a good idea to audition any cable before you buy.

Good luck
Tara Labs Air series is very forgiving and yet precise. Hard to beat. Good luck