Best interconnects for Velodyne DD series

Athough frequency spektra is narrow for a sub I´m sure there
are better and worse IC:s., questions is how much.
Is silver better than copper considering reproduction of signals origin.
What about overtones (although less distinguishable than midrange), how much impact on soundstage, details etc. (not talking about placement of sub).
Anyone with experience I´d really apreciate your thoughts.

Many Thanks!
I took a pair of shielded RCA cables I got from RAdio Shack and used them. They work well.

The power cord you replace the stock one with will make a bigger diff.... or at least it did on my DD15.
i got an inexpensive set of used kimber hero's for my DD12. sounded tighter and cleaner then the 6 year old monster ic i was temporarily using.

on the flip side....i tried a nicer set of kimber's a friend let me borrow (forget the model# but they were 4x the cost of the hero's). i couldn't tell any difference what so ever.

also tried a sub specific ic (audioquest sub-3)and again noticed no difference.

i think any decent cable will work fine. no need to spend alot for a sub ic imo.

btw...take the time to set-up your DD sub right (if you already haven't done so). incredible level of fine tuning that when taken advantage of, can sounds fantastic. takes alot of time but it's well worth it.
I have DD12 and am using an XLO VDO ER-2 with single input and "Y" on the output since the DD12 has R and L inputs.
I don't belive that this cable is made any more but I am sure you can find a comparable if not better in their product line. They can "Y" any cable they make. I tried Wireworld, Syergistic, AQ and tara when I bought this and it was by far the most noticible in bringing out Bass definition.
Thanks Guys!
From your response Truth Link from Harmonic Tech will propably be sufficient.
I thought (in writing this thread)
a particular "sub-ic" might exist that would improve.

Many Thanks!