This is a silly hobby.

So, I bought honey a new laptop Friday night. Lots of memory and a big hard-drive, $534. Then I remembered that I'd also ordered a new pair of speaker cables, $578. Just in terms of relative usefulness this seems absurd. Needless to say, I won't be explaining this to my tolerant yet incredulous wife.

I'm just sayin'.
You are definitely addicted. When am I invited over? I'll bring the $80 scotch...
I'll even bring over my $35 receiver that will blow your mind!
Computers and HiFi have swapped costs. I remember paying $1,000.00 for a 100 meg Quantum HD and another grand to add 256k ram. For about the same money I had a really good stereo setup back in the day. Time they have changed.

I'm pretty sure what makes the world go 'round is inertia, gravity, centrifigual force, and all the hot air that bellows forth from congress. The debates on audio gear does come in a close second though, and serves during congressional recesses.
On the other hand, I just stuck those new cables in my system - LAT International SS-1000 mk II - and even cold and unburnt they sound terrific. Smoother, better bass, more detail, etc.

It's just a stupid computer anyway.