Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade

I am looking to upgrade my speaker wire on my home audio system and I wonder if anyone can offer advise?

I am currently using Audioquest Type 4 cable (externally bi-wired) between my McIntosh MA6600 amp and my B&W Nautilus 804 speakers (5.5 feet in length, with bare wire connections).

I am considering Kimber Kable 8TC or 4TC, or other brands in that price range. Some of these are available in internal bi-wire options, which I have no experience with, so I'm not sure how it compares with separate bi-wiring.

I appreciate any advise.
I don't really think that either of the Kimber cables would be a significant upgrade to your Audioquest. This is even more the case when you consider that it is a fairly well known piece of info that the 800 series speakers work better with solid core cables such as the Audioquest stuff. Of course if you can arrange to audition these speaker cables prior to a buying commitment and compare them head to head, then you will know for sure. One other piece of advice. If you do end up doing a comparison shootout between the Kimber and the Audioquest resist the temptation to change quickly back and forth between the different cables. It has been my experience that this is not a very effective way of determining differences between any two cables. It is much better to insert one cable into your system for about a week, then exchange it for the previous cable again and you will be able to much better differentiate between the sound of the two cables.
I used AQ Indigo long time ago and upgraded to Acoustic Zen Satori - very nice speaker cable
I just put a set of LAT International SS1000 Mk IIs in my system and they really are terrific for the $$. Smooth, detailed, full sounding and very transparent. Can't say enough about them.
Anti-cables.I know it maybe hard to believe,but........I too have Mac stuff,good luck,Bob