AZ Matrix II vs Harmonic Tech Magic Link2

Much has been said and written about these two cables, particularly the Zens. I only have experience with the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II. However, I'm curioius about how the Matrix Reference II compares to Harmonic Technology's Magic Link II. Does anyone have experience with both? If so, can you briefly compare/contrast the two? Thank you.
Thanks. Right out of the box it sounds very nice and seems to accomplish what I was after - beautiful detail retrieval while maintaining texture and timbre purity the system delivers with the help of the Kimber 1021's upstream. More time will tell...
Further take after a few albums.....nice and detailed without grain or unnatural brightness that I can detect. Very balanced tonality wise with a layered and deep soundstage compared to Kimber 1016, MIT Magnum 1, MIT 350 SG EVO. Also more holographic soundstage compared to the my other 3 cables mentioned. Perhaps the biggest difference is how much more dynamic this cable is compared to the others. Sorry I can't comment on AZ Matrix II since I haven't heard it.

This cable is between my preamp and amps with Kimber 1021 upstream and a captive tonearm wire on my Hadcock tonearm.
the AZ MII is no where near the Magic II. price in cabling is usually quite close to it's performance level. Usually. Once you get up above the $1K mark per pair, I've found things simply are different flavors.

The one thing not all cables do is the bottom end... really well.

It's funny you should say the MIT Mag 1 wasn't as deep a sound stage as is the Magic II. I felt they were about the same... the Magnum merely have more of everthing than the Magics.... save for the color in the tones.

My Magic II is also as my main IC. I had been using my sub with the Dodd monos until the Butler arrived... there was now little need if any. Consequently I used also a pair of Y cables with which to supply both the amp & sub... OK. no using the sub, I thought to disconnect the little 3-4 inch y's and eliminate them completely.

The diff was not subtle. Whoa! The little ys were very much drying out the sound and affecting both resolution and details.

Another cable which I've found to be just fantastic is my SR Resolution Reference x2 active shielded cables.

I find them besting the Magic Iis in sound stage representation, bass sound field size. Images too are as or more stable. Again, they sold orig for $1250 per set... vs the 800 for the Magic IIs. So there is that.

The thing is they don't mate well with the Nirvana SX Ltds. Lovely. So I gotta sell them so I can do something else... like get another MIT Mag. lol. or a new to me, PC like another Elrod or something.

Glad things are working out for ya man.
Thanks Jim - I have been a long time user/fan of MIT. I started with them pre-network days with their vari-lay technology and always wanted music hose SC but couldn't afford it! The magnums are excellent and you nailed it with the tonal color difference compared to HT. I had Magnum M2 SC for a long time - that was good too but again with Thiels the midrange was just a bit on the dry side. Have been using Audience au24 for a while - does everything well, doesn't get in the way, overall a balanced cable. Have you tried any HT SC - like the pro 9 reference?

if by that you're pointing to HT squeaker cables, No.

I am considering moving my power train into my listening room, and for that I'll need some new ones. I use the SR Sig 10 active x2 version now.

I've found, as previously mentioned, SR had been an outstanding value and performance cable co until they began the system dependant approach with the Tesla line up.

natuarlly I don't tell any of my cables if they've been outdated. their signatures remain in tact and their ego's aren't severely bruised that way.... and oh, yeah, I get to have more fun and spend way less than jumpin' on the What's new? band wagon.

I will be seeking out something akin to what I've expereienced so far and maybe somethign entirely different, however at this stage I've been liking the idea of acquiring a bit more of the Nirvana SX influence... and they are atop my list for squeaker wires. But they're OMG! EXPENSIVE. i'M ALSO THINKING MAYBE jps... and HT.

We'll see... pretty much all of the wires which have impacted me and some which I almost bought are posted into my A'gon reviews.