if by that you're pointing to HT squeaker cables, No.
I am considering moving my power train into my listening room, and for that I'll need some new ones. I use the SR Sig 10 active x2 version now.
I've found, as previously mentioned, SR had been an outstanding value and performance cable co until they began the system dependant approach with the Tesla line up.
natuarlly I don't tell any of my cables if they've been outdated. their signatures remain in tact and their ego's aren't severely bruised that way.... and oh, yeah, I get to have more fun and spend way less than jumpin' on the What's new? band wagon.
I will be seeking out something akin to what I've expereienced so far and maybe somethign entirely different, however at this stage I've been liking the idea of acquiring a bit more of the Nirvana SX influence... and they are atop my list for squeaker wires. But they're OMG! EXPENSIVE. i'M ALSO THINKING MAYBE jps... and HT.
We'll see... pretty much all of the wires which have impacted me and some which I almost bought are posted into my A'gon reviews.