Is there a better quality Firewire cable?

I am putting together a Mac, Amarra, Weiss digital front end and need to connect everything using firewire. Long ago I discovered that digital cables also matter, but I have heard little about whether firewire cables matter.
I am hoping to revive this thread. See if anyone has more input on Firewire cables. I have a dCS Scarlatti stack and recently tried a Audioquest Diamond firewire, it's definitely better than stock. But wondering if something better is out there.

I have tried 3 separate clock cables now (stock, Cardas Lightning 15 and Purist Audio Designs Proteous Provectus Praesto)...all are clearly audible...the Purist being best (it's not subtle....)

I am guessing firewires might be the same outcome...
Jfrech, I was surprised to see a new posting on this thread. Coincidentally, I just got a Synergistic Research charged Firewire cable. I put in place of my exceptional Entreq cable and was rewarded with much cleaner and detailed sound. I have always found charge shielded cables sound better, and this was no exception.

It runs between my Empirical Audio Legacy music server's Mac Mini 800 output and my Weiss DAC202 dac 400 input.
tbg, thanks, i am floored by the differences on digital cables, i don't understand why (digits are digits stuff) but I can sure hear it. The surprising thing is that I've compared Cardas to Purist interconnect before and the same thing in hear on RCA interconnects (dac to pre) I hear in clock cables...go figure

I did not know synergistic research had a firewire cable out...I will see if I can try one out...
TBG, which sr cable vs which entre firewire cable, i currently have entre setup