Are we music lovers or gear lovers?

Hi everyone,
ever noticed how many posts giscussing about cables, CDPs, amp, etc compared to posts discussing about music?

From what know, people very easily talk or write about their passion. I don't see too many new discussions about new albums, music genre, concerts etc...

From what I often read, people are more interested to know what will be their next gear upgrade rather than what will be their next software purchase...

Aside from those very rich people (who can afford as many gear and software they want), wouldn't it be more logical for someone that has a limited budget to spend a large portion of the available income towards software rather than getting a pair of cables that costs 600% more than the already great ones they already own (and probably only delivers 10% better sound)?

Any comments?

Note: This is not a flame. I'm just wondering why so many post on cables, amps, speakers etc and so little posts on Music.

By the way, this question comes from my girlfriend but since I was not able to give her a satisfactory answer, I'm turning towards the Audiogoners for some answers...

Thanks in advance
Music is the excuse to upgrade you gear. Audio is an ends vs means reversal of cosmic proportions. My credo, often repeated, is : set yourslef a budget, buy the best gear you can within that budget, only upgrade when you believe (after careful evaluation) that an upgrade provides an appreciable benefit and not just relief from the itch to change something, spend your money on records and sit down to some tunes. Many think that I just don't get it when it comes to "high-end". I, on the other hand, like you seem to have observed, think that audiophiles are looking into the wrong end of the telescope. Good day.
I'll probably repeat a few points already made but strongly disagree with some comment's above....
1.As a music fan who is interested in audio reproduction only as a secondary concern-this site is quite clearly an Audio site and not a music one however it does have a certain duality and as such is open to healthy discussion on both.
Most of the posts are rightly geared towards audio.
2. I have never ever met a serious music fan who is not interested to some extent in the reproduction and recording of music,even the crappiest gear will show differences in recording quality and relate the aesthetics of any recording's production in relation to the music.
In fact it is this very difference that stops some people from spending lots of money on audio equipment not the other way around.
3.I mainly post on music because my music knowledge strongly outweighs my audio knowledge.
4.Lgregoir your girlfriend has asked a question and made an observation that struck me too, however after a little while I realised that passion and happiness wether achieved through listening to music or a quest for perfect reproduction might actually be different strains of the same disease....a healthy balance would be nice but nobody is right or wrong.
5.A lot of audiophiles have pretty conservative tastes in music,a lot of muso's have pretty blinkered views when it comes to audio reproduction and so on,nobody's perfect except Cornfedboy,I learned that here.....:-)
Excellent posts. We are both music lovers and gear heads but Audiogon is the primary place I go for the latter (so that I can better enjoy the former). There are lots of places to go for music opinions and purchases. By the way, CD Now is a pretty good music site that also lets you listen to the music before you buy. I do think it would be worthwhile to find where other audiophiles shop for music, esp. on the internet. There are so many places to go. Which are best? Which are the specialized marvels?
Ohala - there is no such thing as audiophile-taste music, and don't try to put a name on it.
I think that Pbb's credo is a good one and succinctly stated (and very similar to the way I try to operate). At Audiogon, I am always mindful that this is primarily a site devoted to the discussion and selling of audio gear. In discussions here of audio gear and even of music, some people seem to think that the purpose of recorded music is to explore and/or analyze (sometimes deconstuct) audio gear. Their main passion is their equipment. They are audio junkies.

I, and the majority of participants at audiogon, I suspect, are basically music lovers whose fascination with audio gear is driven by a desire to get closer to the music.

I also suspect that many audio junkies used to be music lovers before they got it all turned around.