What next after Audience AU24 and Siltech G3?

I'm fairly satisfied with my current cables but was looking to change/upgrade. I'm looking for a little more detail and wider soudstage without brightness/harshness. Budget is around $400 (used) pair RCA and $800-900 (used) speaker cables.

System consists of:
Sonus Faber Cremona - Audience AU24 (non E) speaker cables 2M.
Pass Labs 250.5 - Siltech SQ28 G3 RCA
Thor Audio TA-1000
Lector CDP-7t - Audience AU24 (non E) RCA
Trigon Vanguard II - Siltech SQ28 G3 RCA
Nottingham Ace Space - stock RCA

Also have Crystal Cable Piccolo RCA. Nice cable but lacks the bass weight of the Audience.

I find my Gabriel Gold Revelation MKII a big step up from the AU24 which is thin and lifeless in comparison

disclaimer I do have mine up for sale but it does change my opinion of them in relation to the AU24...
I'd second the Gabriels. The Gabriel Gold Revelation MKI (biwire) have bested many more expensive cables in my system, and likely will meet your stated criteria. That said, I don't see a way around experimenting and seeing how a particular cable sounds with your speakers/ setup. Component matching and individual tastes/ hearing can vary greatly. Since you're looking to buy used, try a few cables out and resell if they're not your cup of tea. For a little less, I also liked the Supra Sword.