SR Power Cell 10 SE Vs, Bybee Purifier PC

Anyone compare the SR Power Cell 10SE to the Bybee Purifier line conditioner?
I have one of the Bybee Purifier line conditioner in my house for about a week now. The first couple of days it needed to break in even being used. I bought version 1 not a version 2. Has anybody compared these two? I would also like to know how they stack up to what's out there.
My searches of Jack Bybee's work as a physicist turn up absolutely zero citations in the academic literature. Maybe when people say he is a physicist, they mean he teaches high school physics, not that he is on the short list for the Nobel Prize.

Also, his conditioners and his outrageously expensive RCA "bullets" don't seem to be as widely reviewed as most others out there. On the one hand, maybe this means that he is shy about publicity, unlike Louis Motek, another "phyicist". On the other hand, maybe this means that reviewers who have nothing good to say keep their mouths shut.