SR Power Cell 10 SE Vs, Bybee Purifier PC

Anyone compare the SR Power Cell 10SE to the Bybee Purifier line conditioner?
Sabai, It was a long time ago. All I really remember is that a friend had suggested taking the filters off the ics. I did and we both just looked at each other. The music was more open and live. Actually, this was my second experience with them. Earlier I had just tried them from a dealer and returned them after two days. Then John Curl had strongly recommended them and I respect him, so I bought several sets. He was wrong this time IMHO.
Tbg, it goes to show you everything is system dependent. I find this especially true when trying to put components together with cables. One cable, even one plug, can make a very big difference, in my experience.
Sabai, when you think about it, the entire enterprise of internet posting about audio, may be a waste of time. I must say, however, that on occasion someone as ernest as you causes me to try something or retry something.
Tbg, for me posting has been important, not only to share my experiences, some of which are out-of-the-ordinary, but also to learn from others. Since I cannot audition equipment this has been an important part of the learning process for me.
Sabai, I don't mean to belabor the point, but if everything is system dependent, how can you learn or teach? If you have someone you can trust you can learn. But most of us posting here have no reason to trust the tastes directing what we buy and characteristics of each of our systems.