Has anyone tried Clear Day Cables?

I'm a big fan of solid core wire and use the wonderful old Music Metre wire. The wire from Clear Day Cable looks like a copy of the Music Metre wire, which sadly isn't being made any more. Anyone tried the Clear Day and how do you like it?
Thanks, MJWPicMan
Solid core speaker cables can make sounds more clear, while others even within the same line can make music sound more like what you would expect to hear when listening to instruments play and singers perform in real life. The Clear Day Double Shotguns give you more of that realness that we all seek in our systems. There is a natural ease to notes and voices that accompany a deep and wide soundstage, with well fleshed out images.

You have heard or even believe that cables need to break in before they sound their best, and that is the case here as well. Give them a good solid 100-150 hours before they relax, it will be worth it.

Best words to describe what these cables bring to the table: realness, ease, relaxed presentation. Of course if the source is overly bright, these cables will let you know. It is fair to say that these Double Shotguns will let you hear whatever changes you make in your system; from adding footers to platform changes to IC swappings.

Maybe other cable manufacturers will do this as well, but you can rest assure that Paul Laudati will, for the asking, send you demos which you can keep for a few weeks to insure that they gel with your system. It is about synergy afterall and that takes a little time to figure out; a few weeks is more than enough time to figure out whether these cables will or will not work well in any system. The only obligation? That you mail the cables back the same way you received them, by USPS priority mail: $4.80. So that is how much you have to lose, next to nothing.

Now, there's no doubt there have been many happy customers of Paul's by reading his feedbacks, but nothing prepared me for the true generosity, the humane character he shows to his fellow man, his high integrity, and his absolute understanding that nothing, not even his best cables, is perfect for every system and that is okay. In a time when money is tighter than ever to spend on this hobby, when gimmicks abound appealing to the desperate, when speaker cables can run in excess of $30K, here is a modest gentleman offering an amazingly good sounding cable that more likely than not, will bring one's system closer to one's ideal.

For those who believe that the wires connecting the drivers to the crossovers are just as important as the speaker cables themselves, changing out the stock internal wires for double shotguns will complete the total transformation.

Do give them an audition and enjoy the music!
Thankks for the response, but you make it sound as if we should start genuflecting before Mr. Laudati's picture, and petition the Pope to grant him sainthood.
I can also attest that my Clear Day Shotgun cable gives very detailed and live sound, compared to some of the cables I had -- Zu Wax biwire, Linn K400 biwire, (old)signal cable single/bi wire, and many more cheap cables at under $50 per 6 foot.
Just try by yourself and feel the difference.
I just hooked up Clear Day shotguns with Paul's jumpers as well.I wasn't expecting too much out of the box since he told me to give the cables 150 hours to break in due ot my long run lengths. All I can say is WOW, if that is the case I can't wait to listen to what I will be hearing. These cables are clear, dynamic, articulate, with excellent staging, an excellent cable. Replaced Signal Cable ultra biwries which I liked, but these are in another class.