Has anyone tried Clear Day Cables?

I'm a big fan of solid core wire and use the wonderful old Music Metre wire. The wire from Clear Day Cable looks like a copy of the Music Metre wire, which sadly isn't being made any more. Anyone tried the Clear Day and how do you like it?
Thanks, MJWPicMan
I can also attest that my Clear Day Shotgun cable gives very detailed and live sound, compared to some of the cables I had -- Zu Wax biwire, Linn K400 biwire, (old)signal cable single/bi wire, and many more cheap cables at under $50 per 6 foot.
Just try by yourself and feel the difference.
I just hooked up Clear Day shotguns with Paul's jumpers as well.I wasn't expecting too much out of the box since he told me to give the cables 150 hours to break in due ot my long run lengths. All I can say is WOW, if that is the case I can't wait to listen to what I will be hearing. These cables are clear, dynamic, articulate, with excellent staging, an excellent cable. Replaced Signal Cable ultra biwries which I liked, but these are in another class.
I've been using a pair of the double shotguns for about a year. This speaker cable really is one of the true bargains in this hobby. They have excellent bass and mid-range clarity and detail. The Clear Days don't quite do the HF extension as well as my Nordost Valyrja, but they are good enough to along side said high-dollar cable. I use the Clear Day's on the mid-bass and use the Nordost on the upper drivers. A very nice combination.

Paul's ICs are also quite good.
Having been extremely pleased with the cables I placed in my main system a few weeks back I just added a pair of shotguns and jumpers to my second system. Sound is clear, uncolored natural to my ears. Hard to say you'd go wrong with trying these
Been using them for close to two years.Speaker wire and the very nice Xhadow IC's.

They were a great match up with my ancient Tannoys,but not so great on my GV.
Adding some solid core copper in a DIY hybrid has ended the search for speaker wires for the GV.

Pope Paul!
He gets my vote.