Shorten those lengthy power cords?

Can you simply cut your existing components AC
power cords to the proper length. Then install
similar or even better AC connector? I must average
3' or 4' extra cable per component, that times five
units equals alot of extra cable to conseal.
Anyone doing this? Or am I asking for trouble?
If so, connector suggestions.

Thanks for any insights
A little different advice here,try to keep the power cords away from your interconnects.Also try not to run IC's and PC's parallel to each other.Power cords down one side of stand, interconnects down the other will help. The power cords could have radio frequency plus other bad noises in it that the IC's could pickup and degrade you music.
I am a stickler for stock power cords. I especially like the hard wired ones. They eliminate the possibility of connecting the wrong power cord if you have several pieces of equipment with detachable power cords because I want to use the cord the equipment was designed with. I have tried numerous cords over the years and everytime I get the same impression and it's not a good one. If your system is not sounding right look for the problem instead of applying a band aid. The problem may be your room or speaker placement, resonance control/isolation, star grounding, poorly matched tubes and the list goes on. Are you the first house from the transformer or at the end of the line? The problem might not be as easy as unplugging one power cord and plugging in another one, but the rewards will be worth the effort.
But what do I know?
I forgot to mention,if your interconnects and power cords need to cross each other,try to keep them at 90 degree angles when doing it.If you can't,the more distance between them helps.
Hifitime, Good advise.
I was recently at Best Buy. I heard they have a little inexpensive coax speaker receiving great reviews and I wanted to check it out. I approached two sales people and asked where their hifi speakers are located in the store. They both looked at me with confused looks on their faces. Finally one of them ask me if hifi was a brand? I said no, I'm looking for hifi speakers, you know hifi stereo. They still didn't get it.
Anyway, it was refreshing to see your name with hifi in it.
For rolling your own, Virtual Dynamics has DIY cable fabrication instructions available on their website. There are several others as well, whose names I don't recall but no doubt someone else will chime in here.