Krell CAST cables...which to buy?

I want to buy new CAST cables for my all EVO system (202/402/505). I think I currently have the original type.....purchased just over 3 years ago....about 1/4" diameter?
I have read many different opinions regarding the various choices available and would like to hear the up to date buzz on what is best. Unfortunately I cannot audition any so I have to make a god faith call on this.
My feelings on the sound of my gear right now is that it lacks a certain sparkle eg...cymbals seem muted and not metallic enough. Pianos don't have that percussiveness that they really have. Sound stage seems recessed. Not that I am looking for anything too bright.
I've read some posts that suggest the Nordost MMF is to fast and thin?
Any insight would be most appreciated.

They used the magnetic Tricon in a double barrel way because the cast cable have 4 contact point. I rather not say how much I paid because I bought the very 1st one from them from the UK distributor. This cable is awesome in every way. I will speak to Elliot soon regarding active sheilding it because he said ultimately, the cable is a Precision.

many thanks for the input.
I am still batting around the way I should go with these wires.
You sound very happy with the SR's which I can get for a total $2600 for the 1m and 2m pairs I need. The same setup with MMF's would run me $1600.
I know it's such a subjective thing especially where ones wallet comes into play...but how would you rate that extra grand spent? And more to the point in terms of overall sound is it a big difference?

i tried the original from Krell and also from Marcuscables. I also bought Transparent Audio's version and that was the key for me.
A former Agoner, Branimir (maybe he is still around!?), also bought very expensive from Siltech among others.
He does demo a lot of really expensive gear and i found him very correct in his judgements.
He also reported the best he had demoed was Transparent's versions. Siltech versions was thinner all over he told me.
I don't remember what more he went through, but i recall he told me TA was the best of them all.
Of the one's i did try in person, Transparent's was clearly best. Without going in to deep in to it, they were smooth and offered good sense body and weight. No loss of resolution or low extension. I really did not notice any downsides in my systems and never felt a need for a typical balanced IC. My system was first 600c and KPS 25sc, changed to 700cx and KCT and the 28c. If i bought Krell again, i would opt for them.