Transparent Ref XL

I've been using a TA Ref, xl between my Wyred 4 Sound STI-1000 and cdp. I've noticed the outcome changes quite drastic pending on what PC i use for the amp. The higher resolution PC, the more open. I now would like to ask especially those that now this IC. What options, to the Ref xlr, xl version do you recommend?
I still notice, the Ref xl, is somewhat lacking (in my system) to convey microdynamics. It is somewhat nicely closed in the top, but it is sadly too much.
I have to say, if it was as it is, but more dynamic(micro especially), slightly more separation and openness - it would be better.
I guess you'd say, Ref MM or MM2. But those are too expensive. In the MIT line, do i have a contender here?
It does not need to be the latest rev. Also wonder about Purist Audio and Synergistic Research. Or do you have other recommendations as well?

All inputs are very appreciated.

Did you have your Ref XL's updated to the MM2 technology??? It does just what you are looking for and is worth the minor investment. Talk to Transparent, they can update them for you.
I own the same vintage of Transparent Reference with XL interconnects, which I bought new from an authorized dealer in 1999, thus making them eligible for the Transparent factory upgrade program. A couple of years ago, I inquired about upgrading them to the latest version and the cost was in the $5k range. Hardly a "minor investment". :)

I am now using the Transparent Reference with XL interconnects in my HT system as I replaced them in my 2 channel system with Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator and Apex ICs. However, I still find the Reference with XL interconnects to be very good and truthful to the source and do not hear the microdynamics issues you refer to.

As you mention that different AC cords give significantly different results, my bet is that your best opportunity to upgrade your sound quality at a reasonable cost lies in the power arena. Until this is optimized, spending money on "better" interconnects is a shot in the dark.

First, try a SR Teslaplex receptacle with a Tesla T3 or T3 UHC power cord to your amp and a Tesla T2 on your preamp. These are available for "free" (you pay shipping) in-home trials from most SR dealers.

An all-out assault on optimizing your power delivery will require a Powercell 10SE, but the above should give you excellent results for a reasonable price.


I was referring to updating the cables to have the new MM2 technology, NOt upgrading the cables (which would go to Ref MM) I understand the confusion as the two sound close but are quite different.