PC: KS Elation, Elrod or Stealth?

I use the Elrod PC EPS 2S and 3S on my system(Puccini, Soulution pre and amps), and I want to upgrade, and it´s imposible for me to hear these cables in the same system, almost imposible to demo in Europe the Elrod Signature or Statement gold, I ask your help, the other two cables are: Kubala Sosna Elation and Stealth dream. Thanks
I do not realy understand why audiophiles al over the world are intend to pay huge amound of money for a source or amplification system and the same time they invent their own "algorithm" to prove that they shouldn'd spend more than --% of the total cost of the system for cables (and equipment stands as well). Is it because magazines include them in the list of "accesories", "tweaks" or "other"? Is it because we buy mostly because of reading instead of listening? I believe both! Well, the are not accesories for sure. They are components of the system with equal importance and most of the times any misbehave of our systems is due to these weak chain links. I will never forget the effect of changing cables to my system (I connected the Elrod's Gold Statement PCs and ICs and Gold Signature SCs) or changing equipment stand (I removed top of the line TAOC and put Tandem Audio). Whow!!! One very expensive system transformed to a precious system and that's everything that counts (of cource in my point of view).
Correction to a typo in my first post above: I have 3 Golds not 5.

Mert, In your first post, you wrote:
if powercords change the things such a magnitude that you describe, it means something quite wrong with your setups!
However, in your second post, you stated that on your dCS Puccini you were happy with 2 power cords, but some other power cords were "so so", "No Chance", or "No Way".
For instance, let's take dCS as example: I could use Elrod and Purist 25th Anniversary happily, Kubala Sosna Emotion so so, Shunyata Helix Anaconda No Chance, Nordost Valhalla only 5 minutes, Acrolink Mexcel 7N-PC-7100 Mosquito sound,..........No Way!
In my book, there is a big difference between being happy and "No Chance". Am I interpreting your words correctly to mean that you are now agreeing that power cords can make a big difference? Or, if you are still standing by your first post, then according to it, are you saying that something is quite wrong with your setup?

Based on my experience with some very fine components, I agree with you that "if setup is good, it will be ''good'' with stock powercords." However, for my personal taste and my highly resolving system, "good" isn't good enough. Actually, my Boulder 2060 amp sounded better than good with its stock power cord. But the Elrod EPS 3 Sig added more fullness, power, and better flow. I agree with you that the EPS 3 is a fine PC. But it gave me only a taste of what the Elrod Statement gave me on the Boulder. And when I added the Elrod Statement Gold to the Boulder 2060, I got a shockingly pleasant surprise: incredible cleanliness and clarity, rich organic fullness and coherence, pinpoint imaging in a vast 3 dimensional space, nuance and delicacy, richer harmonic texture, and jaw dropping fluidity. The added sonic value was well worth the cost of the Gold. I had similar experiences when I added 2 more Golds for my APL Hi-Fi NWO 4.0SE CD player and the Pure Power 2000 re-generator. That does not mean that the old Statement is not a good PC. It's an excellent PC. Amongst the PCs I was exposed to, it's the best at it's price point. But the Statement Gold removes another layer of noise from the AC juice, increases the signal to noise ratio, and allows the audio system to reveal more fully what it is capable of. It's in a higher league.
''In my book, there is a big difference between being happy and "No Chance". Am I interpreting your words correctly to mean that you are now agreeing that power cords can make a big difference? Or, if you are still standing by your first post, then according to it, are you saying that something is quite wrong with your setup?''

Yes some cords can make a difference but some not. In my case( all the cords I mentioned not LOAN but OWN cables) Acrolink Mexcel 7N-PC7100, Nordost Valhalla, Shunyata Anaconda, MIT Oracle AC-1 didn't work good as I expected. I tested all of them almost every component I had. I still have Acrolink Mexcel cable and recently I gave it second chance and tested with AR Ref 3 but again I had to replug it to dCS Puccini Clock! Nordost Valhalla worked best with Exact Power ep-15a but When I upgraded it to Isotek Nova, then, I sold it right away. Not the Anaconda but Python was my favorite one which did good job with Pass Labs X250.5. But again I replaced python with Anaconda when I bought Krell Evo 402 and ARC Reference 3. However, Anaconda didn't get my vote neither with Krell nor ARC.
Kubala Sosna Emotion is one of the most succesfull power cord I encountered recently. It did quite good with Krell, ARC, dCS. Second one is Purist 25th Anniversary, did work splendidly with Krell, ARC and dCS. (I already mentioned about Elrod)

But this is not point.....you may enjoy with Elrod Gold Statement powercord. Maybe it is best match with Boulder 2060. Yes it may removes another layer of noise from Ac line. But I don't need it. The guy who started this topic needs. And Already stated that Elrod is not available in Europe.So?
Elrod cables are available in Europe as seen in official home page. For the time the distributors are located in France (www.fusion-acoustic.com) and in Greece (www.antihisi.gr).
I agree with Mert. If powercords change your sound so much, you either have a problem with your system or the powercords act as equalizers somehow...