PC: KS Elation, Elrod or Stealth?

I use the Elrod PC EPS 2S and 3S on my system(Puccini, Soulution pre and amps), and I want to upgrade, and it´s imposible for me to hear these cables in the same system, almost imposible to demo in Europe the Elrod Signature or Statement gold, I ask your help, the other two cables are: Kubala Sosna Elation and Stealth dream. Thanks
Hey jfz, no reason to get upset, we all share opinions here... I may be the "deaf" one here...;)

Happy Listening!
they act as equalizers

What is *wrong* with even the super high-end audio systems is the contaminated AC and an atmosphere full of RFI. And the high-end market is full of products, including conditioners and special power cords, that are aimed at solving those problems at every link in the chain from the circuit box to the speakers.

Also, usually the word "equalizer" refers to a devise in the audio signal path. So, your conjecture/belief about power cords would be more appropriate for interconnects and speaker cables. Since the audio signal path does not go through the power cords, the cords cannot act *directly* on the audio signal. However, some power cords, like the Elrod Statement Gold, are designed to reduce noise on the AC stream. The lower noise floor then allows the components to reveal what was masked by the noise. Therefore, power cords can *indirectly* affect the sonic presentation. Perhaps, you are using the word "equalizer" in a very loose sense to include anything that affects the sound, directly or indirectly. Since barometric pressure, temperature and humidity affect sound, would you call these equalizers? To avoid uninteresting semantics, I prefer the more traditional use of "equalizer".

The goal of every change that I make to my audio system is to increase realism. In the last 4 decades, I attended well over 600 live classical concerts and I'm familiar with how the different instruments can sound. That experience has been most helpful for the evolution of my audio system. In my system, the Elrod Statement Gold power cords significantly increased the sonic realism and my enjoyment. For me, that is an excellent bottom line.
jfz said
''I also have used the Elrod Signature cords and many others over the years. NOTHING, however, prepared me for the diffence I heard when I inserted the Statement Gold into my system. In fact, I might even say it is the single biggest improvement I've ever made to my system.''

if a setup is ''so dependable'' to Powercord, if a powercord, no matter how expensive, perfect, ODIN or Elrod can make difference, I may say either system owner's ears are not 100 percent effectively or combination of equipments is not properly choosen.
Regarding my last post, I do not try to tell that powercords make no difference, yes, it makes difference in positive way, but there are always trade offs. If result is a jaw dropping, or night or day, hell or paradise, then, it means something wrong(not matched) particular electronics.
Almost all of us use some powercords, expensive, cheap, gold, copper, silver based but the purpose must be only slightly changing the taste but not overall presentation.
If result is a jaw dropping, or night or day, hell or paradise, then, it means something wrong(not matched) particular electronics.
Mert, Among other things, it could *also* mean that the specific technology designed into the power cord to reduce EM/RFI noise is working *very* effectively.

Besides your previous post's suspicion about the owner's ears, you are insisting that mismatch is the only explanation for large sonic differences that power cords can make. Perhaps there is a semantic issue here in what you mean by mismatch.....what you would include under that term. According to what you mean by mismatch, would you agree that it's also possible to have a "mismatch" between the contaminated AC and the electronic components? If you agree that such mismatch is possible, then would you agree that it's possible to significantly improve this mismatch by reducing that contaminating noise sufficiently?