PC: KS Elation, Elrod or Stealth?

I use the Elrod PC EPS 2S and 3S on my system(Puccini, Soulution pre and amps), and I want to upgrade, and it´s imposible for me to hear these cables in the same system, almost imposible to demo in Europe the Elrod Signature or Statement gold, I ask your help, the other two cables are: Kubala Sosna Elation and Stealth dream. Thanks
Hi Puremusic,

I, too, have upgraded all components other than power cords - over a period of many years and many upgrades. My guess is you may already know this, but when I said something like "I might even say it is the single biggest improvement I've ever made to my system" - referring to the Statement Gold - I wasn't saying it is the best or most important "component" in my system. I was simply saying that it's insertion in place of what I previously owned might have been the biggest improvement I have heard.

In any case, I hope other people have a chance to hear what these amazing cords can do. I don't believe any amount of discussion will ever substitute for listening.


Although there is some overlap between the sonic benefits of signal carrying components and the non-signal carrying ones, it's like comparing apples with oranges. So, the way I try to compare them is to ask "Is the degree of improvement resulting from the new power cord on the order of a component upgrade or a tweak?" In the case of the Statement Gold, the enhancement is definitely on the level of a component. Its cost is also on the level of a component, not a tweak.