Is there a transparent MM1 version?

I just want to be clear about that when I bought/sell transparent cables next time. One classified mentioned there is XL, MM, MM1, MM2 different version and the seller said MM1 is printed besides serial number on the cable network box. I don’t follow changes for transparent cable all the time, but I checked the transparent upgrade program on their web site. It said “As was the case when we moved from XL Technology to MM Technology, this evolution from MM to MM2 represents a significant improvement in performance”. Nowhere MM1 is mentioned.

Is MM1 actually MM, but some people call it MM1 to distinguish it from MM2?

You can send in your old MM technology cables to Transparent and have them updated to MM2 technology, making them current without upgrading to the next level of cables.
How is its performance? how much do y'all like the MM version? What's its characteristic in general? Enjoy.
MM is better than the XL version for my transparent super. It is transparent on the high, but lack of base a little bit. You need to climb their food chain to get more base, but the price are double when you move up every level. I guess they figured out how to make great sound by tune in the network box and that became their top of the line Opus cable, then they tune it a little worse to make their 2nd best cable and ....
Except the network box, are the Reference/XL/XL with MM/MM/MM2 are same cable? i.e,the same matereial ,same construction ,same look & same shape. Just wonder.