Speaker cables for Simaudio/ Dynaudio

I have narrowed down my search for speaker cables to two: Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator and Nordost Heimdall. I have a Simaudio I-7 integrated and Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers. I am currently using Signal Cable Ultra Speaker Cables which I have had for a few years. After various upgrades to speakers and electronics, speaker cables are my last upgrade.
Any thoughts on these two choices?
I used Synergistic's Resolution Reference FX's for years with Dyn Contour 5.4's, a great combination, I'm still using them with my One-Off Tannoy custom HPD 315's w/custom crossovers. Tried the Teslas, but thought the improvement not worth the difference in price. I am using the Tesla Analogue Vortex, though, in a 3 meter run from table to preamp, (phono pre modded Simaudio LP 5.3, Sonic Euphoria passive line stage preamp. Great symbiosis in all regards with this combination of equipment.

Synergistic and Dynaudio+Simaudio, thumbs up!
My vote goes for the Nordost Heimdall. I too have the C1s but powered by a Bryston B100. When I demoed speaker cables I had to 'squint' to hear the difference between the Heimdall and Frey (although I did end up buying the Freys). I never auditioned the SR line so I can't comment on them. Very happy with the Freys. Great synergy.
I use the Heimdall speaker cables and interconnects in my system (Thiel 2.4 speakers with ARC amplification and source) and I think they are the sweet spot in the Nordost line in terms of price/performance. Having said that, it does not mean they will be synergistic in your system. If your local dealer does not carry both lines or won't lend you the cables for home audition, i suggest calling The Cable Company (http://www.thecableco.com) and have them send you a set of each. Only way to tell which will work better in your system is if you try them out. Good luck.