MIT Oracle MA Digital AES/EBU

I have been on a digital cable quest for a while now. The cable runs from my Logitech Transporter to Berkeley DAC and I have found through my trials that it is one of the most critical paths. The cables I have tried all sound very different and alter the sound even more than changing interconnects. It was surprising to me as I thought these changes would be subtle. I have tried most of the typical cables discussed (Valhalla, Emotion, Sextet etc) and seem to always return to my MIT Proline Digital Reference (the newer one with the metal connectors). Most of what it does seems right however I find it somewhat slow, dark and muted. I am inclined to try the Oracle but boy is it pricey and I am leery of just how much of that will be corrected. Any owners of this cable out there that may be able to comment on it's general sonic character and even how it compares to the Proline Digital Reference? I have found zero information about it and never seen it discussed...Thanks!!
Hi Richard,
I have had the Proline Dig. Ref. also for some years between my dCS transport and dac. I never thought of replacing it; never considered it "dark" or "slow" though.
A few weeks ago I got an Oracle MA digital (RCA) with the articulation switch from a friend. Just to test it out. And I have to say: this is simply a diffente league! Way better than my own cable: way more black, way more openness just more alive. And this is "only" the RCA-version; dCS likes connection ballanced so this would even be better.
In short: don't try the MA unless you're willing to spend some money. It is that good!
Cheers wim (Holland)
thanks for the comments on the mit digital cables. i may be the only one who finds that cable dark and slower! i had suspected that the ma was a rough one to say no to. it is very helpful to read/hear others experience. i would be buying it on the blind, no demo available.
I use the MIT Oracle MA digital cable with BNC terminations as a clock cable between my dCS Paganini transport & DAC with Siltech Classic Anniversary G7 Firewire cable for signal transfer. In my installation, the improvement in sound quality pursuaded me to dispense with the additional Paganini master clock as I did not feel that it brought any more to the party.
Well I could not resist and the MA-X is on it's way. Should be interesting. I have a feeling that my quest for the right digital cable ends here. If not I will likely go back to the Proline Digital Reference as I found it to be better than any other cable I had here including the Stealth Vardig Sextet that had been recommend by most as the best.

I have had the Oracle MA-X digital cable for a couple of days and now have about 48 hours of signal through it. I am sure it has some more break in to do but I have a feel for it's overall character and impact on my system. The word that comes to mind is "amazing". I think the sonic character is similar to the Proline Digital Reference but it is multiplied at least ten fold. The first think I noticed was the depth and scale which is so natural and detailed. I really feel as if i can walk around and touch the voices and instruments. The closest I have come to this sort of impact is when I went from using the dac in my Theta Casanova to my Berkeley Alpha Dac. This cable is certainly like a component upgrade and may very well be the biggest change I have ever experienced in my system. It really makes no sense to me and I have no idea how this works but man is it real. No way a digital cable should have this kind of effect. Just wow.

I am posting this because I know there a quite a few forum members who have also been looking for digital cables. I have been through many in this quest...Nordost Valhalla, Stealth Vardig Sextet, Kubala-Sosna Emotion just to name a few and this is not even close. Each of those cables did somethings very well...the Nordost laser detail and holography...the KS musical warmth...the Stealth's massive , deep and realistic soundstage....wrap em up and multiply by 10. The Oracle MA-X is so much better than any digital cable I have ever heard in every way. I can find no weakness. It is expensive but relative to the impact, I have no issue with the cost.

I'm gonna like this.