Need an " exciting sounding" digital cable

I have never experiment digital cable until tonight. It turn out my Kimber DV75 is a bit soft and smooth compare to a Naim DC-1. The comparison was made on the new Naim Dac and Audio Note Dac2.1 Balanced. Same result.

The Naim DC-1 is a small step toward the right direction. More definition, a little more spark, clearer bass while maintaining the natural warm of Kimber.

I wonder which cable should I try to make a bigger step for more exciting sound.
I think the VH Audio cryo Pulsar would qualify as an "exciting" digital cable, and it's reasonably priced. Punchy, smooth, detailed come to mind as adjectives.
Thank guys.

My plan is to try out your suggestion starting with the cheaper one. And keep moving up on the price range until I am content with the result.
ASI Liveline !!!!! I wonder how no one has mentioned this cracker of a digital cable. Full of life, full of sparkle, very neutral but never harsh. One really has to spend 4 times the money to even think of bettering in an absolute sense.