Volume Control

I have changed one interconnect recently namely a Cardas Golden Cross. After the cable swap I can turn up the volume to a much louder level without being annoyed. I found new life on disks which I thought they were bad sounding before. Anyone who has some idea or share this experience? I listen to pop music generally not the heavy metal type occasionally crossover to light classic.
Opus88 I absolutely agreed. Music were mixed down from prerecorded sessions especially for pop music. The so called imaging, localisation, tonal balance etc etc were products of mastering. Perhaps classical music recordings using minimal miking could present a truer stereo. I guess some cables are capable of taming those illusions and in doing so you enjoy more of the music.
Hoi: Years ago the Mercury classical recordings used minimal miking, and the results in most cases were very gratifying. Afterward, virtually every record company went to multi-miking, considered a mistake by many present day classical music fans who cite that approach as having been responsible for a less realistic sounding reproduction of the music's performance and setting...Otherwise, I get the drift regarding your point about "taming those illusions". It's precisely around this issue that impressions, preferences and arguments about the Cardas Golden Reference and Golden Cross seem to resonate. Some listeners feel those cables obliterate detail while others claim they simply present details in a different, more listenable and enjoyable way.

Enjoy the new-found musicality of your system using the Golden Cross. If the music sounds "real" to your ears and supplies you with listening pleasure, then just sit back and enjoy!
Hoi: I agree entirely with Hifiman. Best wishes for great listening enjoyment!!!