Time to upgrade my PS Audio Quintet

I currently own a PS Audio Quintet and while it works well, I am hoping to find something that adds more transparency and reduces grain. My primary components are;

Exposure 2010S2 Integrated Amp
Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD/SACD Player
Dell Laptop / Wavelength Proton DAC
Spendor A6 Loudspeakers
Analysis Plus Interconnects and Speaker Cable
DH Labs Power Cords

I have the Exposure plugged straight into the wall and everything else into the Quintet. As I mentioned above, my main goal is to take the edge off the system. While I care about frequency extremes, they are not as important as a natural, transparent, uncolored midrange. Anyone who's used a Quintet and moved to something better, what is it? Around $1500.00 or so is my budget.

Products I am considering;

PS Audio Power Plant Premier
Shunyata Hydra & Guardian
Synergistic Research QLS 6 & 9


John Allen
hi John,
I'm also using Spendor speakers and thinking of getting Analysis plus cables, what interconnect and speaker cables do you recommend?
Karmatogdral, I was using silver coated copper cables from DH Labs. I've read that silver cables can add glare and grain to the sound so I moved to copper cabler from Analysis Plus. Copper Oval-In IC's and Black Oval 9 SC. The AP cables have about 80 hours on then and are just starting to open up. So far I'm happy with them.
I'm thinking about going up to solo crystal oval 8, have you compared the two? Oval 9 and oval 8?
I have not tried the Oval 8. I bought the Oval 9 based on recommendations from AudiogoN members.
thanks for sharing, i thought both were great cables, probably more refined with oval 8(from the review i read), hence i ordered oval 8, i've been auditioning this swedish cable called supra sword(their flagship cable)they are really good cables, it's like listening to vinyl, so organic and coherent, and tons of details, and it's copper stuff.
just my two cents