PC recommendation for McIntosh 501's

Putting the "final" touches on my current system which resides in a listening room that has dedicated circuits and extensive acoustic treatment.

Apart from adding a power conditioner to the front-end, the obvious next step would be to consider upgrading the pc's feeding my 501's.

I'm not looking to alter overall tonal balance, just want to let the 501's shine. In other words I'm looking for something as transparent (neutral) as possible. Any suggestions?

Here's my set-up:

CDP - Mark Levinson 390s (VH Audio Airsine / Gold Oyaide)
Preamp - Mark Levinson 326s (Shunyata Python CX)
Amps - McIntosh 501's (stock pc)
Speakers - Focal Micro Utopia Be (Audience AU24 speaker cable)
Sub - Revel Ultima Sub30 (VH Audio Airsine / Rhodium Furutech)
IC's - Nordost Valkyrja throughout
My first response would be Nordost to try and maintain or create a synergy with the rest of your system. The best that you can afford with in the Nordost line. I have aMC402 and use Cardas Golden Reference and am very happy but the rst of my system is Cardas GR with the exception of the speaker cable. That would be Cardas GR as well but until I am able to use a shorter length it will have to wait. I had a MC352 and used Harmonic Tech ProII and when I switched to the Cardas GR I noticed the bass was much more controlled and delivery increased as well as the whole sound field came together. Check with usedcable.com and see if you can borrow a few from their lending library.
My vote is stick with the stock cable - I have tried a few and felt I lost that organic feel that makes the Mac's special.
Thanks Theo - I'll check out usedcable.com

Pops, I'm curious to know what cables you've tried as I have heard your "stick with stock" suggestion mentioned before.

If it helps, I'm open to anything in the sub $1,200 per cord range.