Your Favorite Holiday Recordings Are?

Happy Hollandaise to all!

What is your favorite music of the season? Also, what do you like that is also well recorded?

Best, Jim
Vince Guaraldi Trio: Charlie Brown Christmas Music. A real classic!

James Taylor's Merry Little Christmas on his new album is a new favourite.

If you like the Anne Murray Christmas CD, you might check out her "Croonin" CD...if you don't already have it. Some of the best covers of standards since Rosie Clooney and Ella.

Thanks to all of you, I now have a number of new titles to add to our collection.

P.S. Craig, ...Cheers is a wonderful salutation of good will...far from a cliche!

Best, Jim
Ottmar Liebert's "Poets and Angels" CD. Christmas favorites arranged for flamenco guitar. I know, I know. It all comes off quite well, though.
The only Xmas CD is can listen to is
the Charlie Brown Christmas Album
with the Vince Guaraldi Trio