Power cables and power conditioners

I am looking to improve from the stock cables in my system. I have a Telwire cord at home that I will evaluate and an having a Grover Huffman power cord sent here for evaluation. I am also interested in the Audience power chord e and the Kaplan HE cables. Does anyone have experience with these cables and some thoughts on how they sound. This most particularly applies to the Kaplan cables and the Audience. Once I get my power conditioning and cables broke in I will write a follow up review.

I am wanting to change my power conditioning system. I have dedicated lines and an running a PS Audio p500 I bought 4 or 5 years ago. I do hear the improvement but I hate the limited usage for it and the fact I can not hook up my amplification to it without causing a shut down,( this includes powered sub. I guess if it produced like 2000 watts it be fine. I am more interested in non current limiting devices. Do any of you have experience and opinions on such units as the Audience, Synergistic,Shuynata and the Audio magic conditioners, I guess maybe I should include Running Springs and BPT. What power cables do you use with them if they are not supplied. I am looking for the benefits of conditioning as well as a full bodied musical presentation. (thin and hollow is not quite I want but over blown and very dark is out also. Once again opinions and experience as there is no way to hear these where I live.
some conditioners say(non current limiting)what they are saying is not limiting the 15a or 20a from the wall.
isn't music DYNAMIC,perhaps your amp(S)would like more than the wall can give,may up to 50a or more.
I use to use one of the above and with a Torus PIU,I tried out there is no comparison.
The Torus will give you the dynamics you need and then some.
They truly make a huge difference,you seldom see them for sale here or other sites.You see the above + other's for sale all the time.I have seen 4 Totus(s) for sale here in the last two years,I bought a 20a and a 10a from here.
If you cherish your music you owe it to yourself to at least audition one at home(auditions are free)if the store wants to make a sale.
I have 5 kaplan he cables (2 rhodium and 3 copper) and like them. they provide body and presence. Have compared them to audience (regular not e) and vh audio and heard them compared to the kubala fascination in another system. good value and they can be auditioned without risk. the copper and the rhodium terminations are different -- you can email paul kaplan through audio circle and he will give advice about what might work best. good guy .

on power conditioning, i use a balanced power conditioner (BPT) because i found that several of the filtering conditioners sucked some of the life out of they system (particularly my preamp) and that the balanced do not do that. bpt has a trial period -- you can try a stock unit and if you like it you can send back for upgrades. given how much conditioners can affect the sound finding a way to audition them seems a must to me. good luck
PurePower2000 is great. Can't listen without it!
I use my best cable to connect it - Argento SMR EE.