acoustic zen reference or venustas

acoustic zen reference vs purist venustas, what is the winner?
BTW….Are you talking about the ICs, Digital cables, or power cords?

John provided you the answer as best as anyone could.

What did you think of those two cables when you auditioned them?

Then there's 'your' answer... not mine... maybe not John's either. Maybe not anyone else's too.... but it is your answer.... for your gear and in your room according to your ears!

That's how every "BEST OF" or "XYZ VS. ABC" solutionm is unearthed. By the user themselves... unless of course you don't mind listening with someone else's ears, system, Preferences, music, room, etc.

Only popularity can be somewhat decided by threads such as these 'what's best' or 'which is better...'

Nothing more.

Do you want popular? Or do you want what works best in your rig and for your ears? John gave you the template... now just decide and check out the one which comes closest to your needs.

Good luck.
Between them John and Jim raise two important issues. One is where in the system are the cable(s). And second, your own musical tastes/preferences.

I'd like to introduce two more: One has to do with the "where in the system" question. I think the answer, for either of the candidates, should be "everywhere"; otherwise there's really no way to make a proper evaluation of either one (I'll get to "why".) My other point refers to John's second remark. I find my system-wide use of Venustas to be extremely accurate and quite neutral. Musical, but not particularly what I'd describe as "warm" (as in: Cardas!) Does that predict that if I used the AZ cables system-wide, the result (again in my system) would be so bright it would drive me from the room? I really don't know; but I will say I've never heard the two brands compared as John does. I have however, heard Venustas described (compared relatively to the newer and more expensive PAD products) as somewhat rolled-off in the highs (less definition?) but you would never get that impression listening to them in my system ;--)

I should add that (as I implied above) I've become a staunch advocate of using the same cable (make and even model) throughout a system. I know that notion flies in the face ot those who believe certain brands/models of cable work optimally for certain purposes, or in certain locations; something that may be true when isolated. But when you listen to an entire system with uniform cabling throughout, rather than a variety, I am rapidly becoming convinced the result will be more satisfying overall.
Jmcgrogan2 is 100% right. There is no winner, just different 'flavor' and different tastes.
AZ is more lush or Venustas leaner if you prefer. AZ are not warm neither cold.
>>acoustic zen reference vs purist venustas, what is the winner?<<


Hope that helps.