Volex cables - No longer belden???

I have purchased a set of Volex cables for a DIY project, but found that the cable itself is no longer Belden as it used to be, now it is named BAOHING (obviously chinese), but nonetheless, looks just the same as the Belden 19634, the specs are the same and the construction seems to be identical to the Belden (for what I´ve seen in pictures).

Does anyone have any experience with this cable? For the cost, I´d rather buy something else if these are not good. I just dont want to invest my DIY time on them if they are not worth it, although I think all cables are mostly the same. (I am not cable believer....)
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What exactly is an audiophile cord?

In this photo, you will see the young audiophile (W3038), holding the audiophile cord in his (her?) lap. Note the relative thickness of the cord, as well as the braiding.
Jax2, Thanks, I understand now. You have been a great help. More than I can say for some people here. At least you provide photos. Is that the kind of cable Elizabeth was talking about?
Is that the kind of cable Elizabeth was talking about?

Yes. These cables came to be as a direct result of the legendary "Pangea orgy" Elizabeth refers to in her second post. Very astute observation. Glad to see at least someone is paying attention here!