hifi outlet vs stantard outlet

Does anybody have compare standard ac outlet vs hospital grade or hi fi outlet. Y just want to change my outlet but i dont know if a hifi outlet like furuetch or other are better than hospital grade outlet.

my systeme:

nad m3
atoll cd200
canton ergo 695
audioquest ac cable

thank you for your advises
Its little tweaks here and there that will improve the overall sound in a system. If you are expecting this one thing to give you a huge improvement, then you might want to save your money.
It will depend but I think it is worthwhile. I changed to "hospital grade" years ago and removed them when I moved. I had two dedicated lines put into my present house a couple of years ago and installed them. After about a year I switched to FIM ones and noticed a considerable improvement. BUT, this was with the new wire I had installed. I put one in one upstairs with my video system using the original, quite inferior, wiring and couldn't tell a difference from the original outlet. IF I was going to install dedicated lines, and you should if possible, I would use any of the audiophile ones available. With standard wiring it is a harder question.
I have a Oyaide GX (gold plated) outlet and it a little warmer than a standard outlet. I never tried hospital grade. Funny thing is on occasion I do flip back and forth and can't really make up my mind which I prefer. For certain types of music I prefer the Oyaide and for others I prefer the standard (crazy hobby). I have read many good things about the Porter ports. Just haven't gotten around to trying one and for $36 the price is right. Personally I would stay away from Nickel plated outlets.

Like Riley804 mentioned it's the little things that add up.
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I have dedicated circuits (which made a big improvement) and Furutech outlets which continued the improvements. I had P&S which were much better than standard outlets.