NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
I am sure Simple Q just likes to get people stirred up!
It's entertainment to him. Just a thought!

I think you are mixing terminology Simple Q.

Short = Contact = Zero Resistance

Only in the overly-simplified, idealized world of Electronics 101 textbooks.

In the real world, contacts have non-zero resistances.

Shorts blow fuses/breaker

Not always they don't. It depends on the condition of the short.

Simple Q is obviously not a customer of mine with a grievance.

He has neither heard nor touched any of my products.

What's the deal then Simple Q?

Why do you feel the need to twist my every word in an attempt to discredit me and my products?

What have I ever done to you?

Did I date your sister?

Is it past life karma?

Are you just bored or are you simply a mean person looking for a fight?

If I have done ANYTHING to offend you I sincerely apologize.

Wow, paranoid much?

Get some help.

We're not talking about any of your products nor have I said anything specifically about any of your products.


I am sure Simple Q just likes to get people stirred up!

Not at all.

If someone is going to say something as incredibly naive as "If an electrical item SHORTS OUT it will NEVER cause a fire" (emphasis from original), I'm going to point out that it's incredibly naive.

And if that someone gets their panties all in a twist because of it, then it's not me who's getting them stirred up. They're doing that all on their own.

This would be so much more entertaining if it were translated into Pirate.

Ya think?

Let's see.


Don`t say I didna warn ye about showin' yer ignorance o' electronics.

T' start wi' ye be mixin' some truth wi' some falsehoods.

When ye be havin' a short th' ONLY possibility be that ye be havin' LOWERED resistance. This be on accoun' o' ye be havin' now put a lower resistance path in parallel wi' th' original load.

Th' reason 't heats up be that bein' th' "path o' least resistance" all th' current wants t' flow through 't rather than th' proper path o' higher resistance.


Not bad. Let's try some jive.


Don't say ah' dun didn't warn ya' about showin' yo' igno'ance uh electronics.

To start wid ya' are mixin' some trud wid some falsehoods.

When ya' gots' some sho't da damn ONLY possibility be dat ya' gots' LOWERED resistance. What it is, Mama! Dis be a'cuz ya' gots' now put some lowa' resistance alley in parallel wid de o'iginal load.

De reason it heats down be dat bein' de "pad uh least resistance" all de current be hankerin' aftah flow drough it rada' dan de propuh' alley uh higha' resistance. What it is, Mama!

Ha! That's pretty good too.

I dunno. I think I ultimately prefer...

Swedish chef!


Dun't sey I deedn't vern yuoo ebuoot shooeeng yuoor ignurunce-a ooff ilectruneecs.

Tu stert veet yuoo ere-a meexing sume-a troot veet sume-a felsehuuds.

Vhee yuoo hefe-a a shurt zee OoNLY pusseebility is thet yuoo hefe-a LOVERED reseestunce-a. Thees is becoose-a yuoo hefe-a noo poot a looer reseestunce-a pet in perellel veet zee ooreeginel lued.

Zee reesun it heets up is thet beeeng zee "pet ooff leest reseestunce-a" ell zee coorrent vunts tu floo thruoogh it rezeer thun zee pruper pet ooff heegher reseestunce-a.

Maybe because of Keith Olberman's reading Thurber's The Black Magic of Barney last night.