directional cables?

My IC cables are directional, with arrows pointing the way they should be hooked-up. Q: Should they run with the arrows pointing to my cd player, or to my integrated amp? Thanks.
Mr Kijanki, now you've done it. Since you started talking about transferring energy some are going to throw you into the same idiot pile that I'm in. Much better to talk about electricity as water in a garden hose so everyone can follow along :>)



Once again - Electric current is a flow of charge ALONE. At 1kHz electrons are practically standing still (vibrating +/-0.0001mm) NEVER MOVING ALONG THE CABLE while charge is reaching destination with almost speed of light (0.6-0.7).
Electrons might be carriers and you can calculate numbers from amperage but they don't "Flow" - charge does.

Once again, and with all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about.

In a piece of wire, it is the electrons that are the charge carriers. Therefore you cannot have a flow of current without a flow of electrons. The two cannot be separated.

With no current flowing, yes, the electrons are just banging around randomly due to the thermal energy in the wire (the lattice vibrates, knocking the electrons about). And at any given point, the number of electrons crossing that point are effectively the same in one direction as the other.

Now, if you apply a potential difference to one end of the cable, and assuming there is a load at the other end and it's not just an open circuit, while the electrons will still be banging about, they take on a net drift in the direction determined by the polarity of the potential at the other end and you now have a flow of current as there are now more electrons crossing that point in one direction than are crossing in the other direction.

And while the net drift is typically very slow (on the order of centimeters per second), that's simply a function of how much current is flowing and the number of electrons available to participate in conduction.

Keeping all else equal, increase the potential and you increase the current and subsequently the drift velocity. Similarly, if you increase the number of electrons available to participate in conduction, you decrease the drift velocity.

What propagates at nearly the speed of light is the transverse electromagnetic WAVE that's established once the potential difference initiates current flow. And this I think is the crux of your misunderstanding.

You say "..while charge is reaching the destination at almost the speed of light..."

This is incorrect. The charge is already at the destination. Again, it's the electrons that are the charge carriers. There are electrons throughout the entire current loop. It's just that those electrons at the end don't start to flow until the electromagnetic wave reaches the end.


Mr Simple, I decided the stuff in my last post about positive charges really didn't relate to your response so I deleted it.

Ah. I didn't know users could edit or delete their posts. Or are you a moderator?

I see what you mean but by defintion current is not the flow of electrons, it is the flow of charge. Since we're talking about cables then electrons are indeed moving about but you don't have to have moving electrons to have electric current since it is sometimes positive charges.

True enough. But since this thread is about cables and posted in the cable forum, I didn't think it terribly germane or productive to discuss electric current outside the context of cables.

Since the flow of charged electrons is relatively easy to envision it is used a lot, an analogy to water is often used even though it breaks down if you try to apply to all electrical phenomna.

Yes. But the issue under discussion is current flow. And the water analogy is perfectly adequate in this context.

However, I do know enough to understand that electron flow can't explain everything happening in electronics.

For example?
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