Contact Cleaner Recommendations??

Hi Everyone

I was just wondering what is the *best* or recommended type of contact cleaner to use for interconnects, speaker cables, power cables etc...

Thanks in Advance
Use Caig DeOxit, then wipe with isopropyl alcohol to remove the sonic signature DeOxit leaves behind, then treat with Walker Audio Extreme SST contact enhancer (E-SST).

If your contacts don't show any sign of corrosion, skip the DeOxit step. Just wipe down with isopropyl alcohol and apply then the Walker E-SST. You will be amazed by the improvement delivered by the E-SST.
I've used "Kontak" electrical contact cleaner followed by a spray of Craig ProGold for many years and am happy. I'm not saying it's the best because there are so many good products on the market but I'm very satisfied.
I love Kontak. I just use it by itself. Leaves nothing behind and always improves the sound...
Agree with Lak and Jfrech on using Kontak. Great cleaner, no residue, no sonic signature, and an excellent alternative to DeOxit. I thought it had gone out of production and glad to know it's still available!