Help with Cables "which ones best for my set-up?"

Im fairly new to this hobby but have assembled what I hope is a good system to start. Mcintosh c2300 Pre amp. Mc501 mono amps Vpi Super Scoutmaster turntable with dinavector 20x High output. And last weekend my Sonus Faber strads arrived. I was using some old linn 5140s I pursched about 10 years ago for my media room. And the linn bi amp speaker wire. Having bought all this equipment since march of this year my wallet needs to rest for a while. However I know I need to work on cables, but which ones and what should come next? I also have a benchmark DAC 1 and a dedicated mac mini with a dedicated 4 terabyte drive. Any advice on my system and what should come next would be welcome.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrichardallred
Just wondering if you've even asked yourself what kind of sound you are looking for. McIntosh equipment obviously has a particular sound but how do you want to augment it? And along with Tvad, just search this thread until you can't read anymore. You may just get an answer you are looking for.
I will venture that you want a rich, full, lush, sound from your system. Although some may argue I would venture that the McIntosh sound, whilst full and dynamic leans to the warmer side of the spectrum. (I do own a Mc amp) Countering this is your TT /Cart set up, which is highly detailed and airy, but nevertheless, will deliver the entire audible in a very balanced, let's say neutral but not a subdued manner. I am not sure how the 2300 phono stage handles the signal however. That was just discussed in these forums as well. Since you seem to want the "Big Tone" I would recommend Jena Labs speaker cables. The warmish Cardas golden reference ICs between the amp and pre, and then, slightly conversely, some HomeGrown Silver Lace which are purely silver, as your phono cables out of the RCA box to the preamp (I own a VPI with the Dyna 20X HO).
These are not really cheap cables especially dependendent on the number of wires in the Jena braid, it can be a downright expensive proposition. Given the expense of the components however, it is a reasonable suggestion.
It is what I use and I am stickin with it.
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Another suggestion is to view the virtual systems for sonus faber and mcintosh and see what those folks are running in their rigs. Personally, I like Cardas. Speaker cable that is. Not a fan of their interconnects.