Cables for my system ASL AQ1003DT + Triangle Helia

Looking for cable suggestions. I’m a total noob at this, first serious audio system. I have the following: Antique Audio Sounds AQ1003 DT 30 Watt tube integrated amp, Triangle Heliade ES Speakers, Music Hall MM 25.2 CD Player, Rega P1 Turntable, Music Hall PA1.2 Phono Preamp. I’m assuming I just need entry level cables, and right now I’m thinking Canare (11 or 13 gauge speaker and L-5CFB interconnect).

I know some might advise that I'll probably upgrade my setup but I seriously doubt it (for a variety of reasons, the big one being that it would be seriously draining for my obsessive nature to become involved in yet another gear chase). So, I don’t want to go looking for better cables in a year. I wanted a relatively inexpensive system, built with value and bang for the buck in mind, but I also wanted appropriate components. If the Canare will get my “cheap” system sounding as good as it can, then I’ll be satisfied. Can I do better than the Canare for what I have? I’ve seen some Kimber Cable go for 1.5x to 2x Canare.
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Canare 4s11 is very good. I could live with them for a long time.
PNF for ICs would be a great budget cable.