What is hifiheaven.com?

I ran an add on Audiogon a couple of weeks ago. My item sold very quickly, marked as such on Audiogon.
After being labled sold I was still getting a couple of buyers e-mailing me.The last one I responded to, I mentioned add was marked "sold". He e-mailed back to say it was not marked sold on hifiheaven.com. Huh? I had never heard of them, but sure enough there was my add. At the bottom of the page was Audiogon trademark. What's up with this?
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Hey Audiogon !!!!!!!! I think that was a great idea to link are adds to another audio site. Keep up the good work
well said Stealth....

i place ads here because I feel the readership here is more informed about what I am selling...

I do not know much about hifi heaven....but suppose they cater towards a more mid fi, ebay clientele....this means I get more dumb questions, more tire kickers, more of the things I do not want. I guess what Im saying, you dont want to park your Ferrari with a FOR SALE sign in the WAl MART parking lot, you be better off parking it in front of Neiman Marcus.
Why would you look a gift horse in the mouth? I am not sure about your cash flow for audio gear, but in most case's in order for me to advance up the ladder, I need to sell off what ever it is that I am looking to replace, and if it means getting more people from other web sites to be able to view my listing for sale then that is a plus for what ever it is I am selling. I have one golden rule in sales and maybe you might want to take note.

"Never Pre Judge Any Buyer/Looker From Any Walk Of Life"

And to comment on the Mid-Fi buyers!!!!

Were you not a Mid-Fi buyer at one point in your life ??
(I am sure you were, we all were) So why close the door to other audio listeners who are on there way up the scale as well.. Think about it, Someone took the time with you when you were out kicking tires...

Keep up the good work Audiogon
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