Cable Options from Breaker to Receptacle

There seems to be a number of products suitable to run from the main panel to the receptacles. I currently use Romex 10 gauge copper, but wonder if a more pure copper would make a difference. The run is not that long, so silver may also be possible. Manufacturers include:


Looking at Neotech, they even make a 9 gauge copper 'speaker cable' with a very robust housing. Also, a braided silver raw power cable which is incredibly expensive, but possibly with huge implications on the sound. Of course, these would be very difficult to maneuver in some situations.

It is difficult to do head-to-head comparisons, so perhaps people can relate their experience or speak to the use of these raw cables in building power cords.

I am looking at the same thing, there are some good threads on Audio Asylum on this. Unfortunately the product I decided to get, Diamond Handiwire, has been discontinued. My tech friend had just rewired his shop and recommended a Carol cable 8 gauge he had used. When he checked it too had been discontinued; both of these were stranded copper designs. I think the general feeling is that stranded is better than solid but likely some will feel otherwise. As I am trying to get a good result without spending excessively I am going to stick with a fairly conventional cable, spending a couple of dollars a foot probably. Belden has one that fell into that range when it was recommended on AA a few years ago but when I checked it had gone up to $10. I suspect that silver and exotic construction will improve the sound but at a diminishing rate of return.
I think the general feeling is that stranded is better than solid but likely some will feel otherwise.
09-19-10: Stanwal

Stan, I think you have it backwards.... More use solid core than stranded for audio branch circuit wiring.....
I used JPS Labs AC in-wall cable from main electric panel to dedicated Oyaide receptable with excellent results. This is UL listed 10AWG from a very reputable speaker cable manufacturer.
Just because more use solid than stranded doesn't make it better. Look at the forums and see the opinion of those who have compared the sound qualities of each. My tech friend, who has over 30 years experience, also told me to get stranded. I saw very few who had tried both and liked the solid better on the forums.

With larger gauge stranded wire it is susceptible to strand jumping, strand modulation problems.

The late Bob Crump on the subject.
Solid core Romex has an absolute ton of inductance and you can use that to roll of the digital backwash and end up isolating your analog from digital with yards of the solid core Romex in the walls. Romex is insulated with PVC and, again I will say that PVC is what you want rather than anything faster as you just want to pass 60hz and attenuate anything above that.....Stranded wire, especially a twisted lay, will pass high frequencies better, exactly what you don't want to do with 60hz AC.......Regarding power cords made with PVC it apparently works pretty well as have sold over 8,000 of them the past 21 years.......

Jon Risch , an EE on the subject.

AudioQuest on the subject.