Transport for MHDT Havana

Just bought a MHDT Havana Balanced DAC and will need a good transport for it. Any suggestions? Would like to keep it under $1500.

Really like Stello CDT100 (no longer available) and I'm intrigued by the WOO WTP-1 (which is not yet available...). Kind of partial to top loaders.
i'm sure I would like the mids and treble, and timbre. but my speakers are a bit bass shy, so an attenuation in the bass, is not a good idea. I need all the bass I can get.

thank you for confirming my intuition.

I can swap tubes in my Vincent cs-7 dac.

I need a tube dac with extra energy in the bass, along with liquidity and bloom. any ideas ?

if only there were a dac that had the sonics of the zanden, but not its exhorbitant price.
I had very good results using a 47 Labs 4716 Shigaraki Transport when I had a Mhdt Paradisea DAC. A pre-owned one can be found under your budgeted figure when available. BTW, tube rolling in the DAC can be beneficial. My favorite was the Bendix 2C51.
Well if you need more bass I certainly wouldn't recommend the Havana, it would not be the best choice. Actually heard it in a separate system that was using a 300B based SET and it did not work at all. In my system, with my amp it wasn't as big an issue but certainly notable. To be honest I can only compare to the EE minimax Plus which doesn't have any tube signature. I easily preferred the Havana across the board even though the EE had better bass, more extended high frequency performance and more detail, it just had an edge and I could never relax listening to it. I wouldn't know where to direct you for a budget tube based DAC. You would probably have to spend considerably more to get what you're looking for.