Power cord for low-watt tube amp?

I'm about to take delivery on a 7-watt push-pull EL84 amp in full triode. Just wondering whether there are any power cords particularly well-suited for a lower-powered amp like this? What's the latest thinking on whether power cords are less important for smaller amps like this?
by those whose systems are not resolving enough to show the audible differences in cable
Have you determined that these people even have systems? I don't see any evidence that they do.
You know that a fixed delusion, that is one that the person believes is true and persistantly believes this against any evidence to the contrary leads to a diagnposis of Psychosis.
I never listed my system but really do have them. Do you really think that people whose systems that are not dramatically altered by PCs are systemless? I disagree even though I have custom made Silver PC, and Audience AU for sources and also SuburuGuru's custom PCs for my mono blocks. I bought these just hoping that my sound would be optimized in some way. I suffered from audiophilia nervosa but remain uncertain about PCs value to my systems.
OTOH I strongly believe that ICs and Speaker cable have strong influences on sonics.
Mechans, some people make reasoned arguments and allow for differing opinions, while others spout dogma based upon absolute "truths". I only wonder about the systems of the latter people.

My own observation is that power cords are very component sensitive, but can make a worthwhile, if still subtle, sonic difference. I think power cords are worth experimenting with, but I'm not convinced someone should spend large amounts of money on them. But if you do jump into PCs with both feet, then also upgrade your wall sockets and your components IEC inlets. You might even want to eliminate the inlet and go hard wire. I refuse to even consider whether the outlet socket cover has a sonic effect.