True but I feel is too hot in that topic for me to comment there. In my case the Nordost SPM REF. was on the opposite side : completely flat & uninvolving & it seems to me as a faillure attempt by it's designer to catch the perfect achromatic monitor cable. Instead of this, it perceived by my set-up as a balanced but lean, flat & emotionless, (by saying balanced I mean that the leanness was spread across the whole spectrum) unable to move my senses and as such, I find it as an unreasonable & worthless effort. I didn't hear more detail, just less of everything else !
I'm sorry for avoiding reply there, but I'm doing the same where in the fields of VPIs, Sonus Fabers, Koetsus, Benz, & some others, in the fear of ... admiers may want to eat me alive.
I cannot accept the logic that we can find the perfect achromatic "invisible" anything. All we can do, is to search for an aesthetic view of calming completeness that engage our emotions.