Your homemade tweaks?

Having just read bgmyers thread on isolating cables and some of the excellent ideas our fellow audiogoners shared, I thought it would be great for us to compile a listing of all the innovative alternatives and their uses we have come up with to tweak our systems in lieu of buying them from the pricey manufacturers.

I'll start it off with having used tennis balls as isolation devices under components.
I thought the Boston Audio Design TuneBlocks might be a good tweak but couldn't afford them so ordered some high density graphite rod - cut to my specs - from an industrial supplier in the USA. I ordered some ceramic balls (I liked the colour) from another supplier, used a drill bit to cut a depression, sealed the graphite with kitchen counter sealer and, voila, almost the real thing.

Are you saying you squeeze the caulk out on the pcb and caps? Could you elaborate?



Check out the pics of the McCormack DNA .5 in this thread. About 1/2 way down.

Caulking tweak example

I think this is the caulk tweak that MrDecibel is talking about.

As for myself I won't be putting caulk around the PCB and caps. I don't trust my handyman skills to something like that. I may do the caulk in the corners.
Loctite is one of the manufacturers that produces rope caulk. It's very easy and safe to use. All home improvement and hardware stores sell rope caulk under one brand name or another. Once you see it, you'll understand why it's so popular for damping purposes. This stuff was all the rage twenty or thirty years ago. I still use it on my equipment rake to reduce ringing.
Corazon, I apply caulk to the cap and the pcb, so that they are both "attached" together. Interestingly, I learned this many many years ago from a tech I knew who worked at Nakamichi, but later found that this was done on many speaker crossover assemblies. I have been doing it ever since, and I will tell you, it has been drastic in the improvements. The caulk is removable if you ever wish to remove it. It is critical that the caulk is given enough time to dry, as to not short anything out. I did have a Citation 12 blow up on me because I lacked patience(again, a very long time ago).