Alternative to Synergistic Research Hologram A

I'm using all Synergistic Tesla power cords. I can't afford to upgrade from Tesla 3 to Hologram A on my mono blocs. I'd like suggestions for more a more affortable upgrade. I will be keeping the other SR cords. Thank you in advance for your input.
Tvad, no, I don't regret having sold thre PAD cords. I've not tried the Shunyata.
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Thanks Tvad. The disease has been latent for a while. I'm now feeling it acutely. There ain't no cure.

No alternative?

I do think the SR Hype is found in statements like this.

The HA is not a great AC cable! It is good but not great. and don't give me this Synergy stuff with all SR wire.

There is a dude in Canada who is selling 9 Dale Pitcher Ref. AC cable. If Bander were to buy it and A/B it with the HD the ( old tech. ) DP Ref. would win hands down.

I do have the IC cells and think they are outstanding. Would love to demo the SC Cells.

There are alternatives out there Mr Ken. Lower your hype meter.
Hi, any news about a less expensive alternative to SR Hologram A? I have a JPSLABS power AC+ which performs outstanding power and low bass. Mids and highs are far better than a stock cable but not so natural than with SR HA. Any experiments to others cables? Thanks :-)