WAF Help Please

I have spekaer cables that have a silver/white jacket. This looked great in a room where the main floor treatment was a white colored rug. I have now relocated my system to a room with dark brown hardwood foors. The white/silver speaker cable jacket stands out. I really like the cable (Crystal Cable reference), and do not want to switch.

Does anyone have any suggestions on something I can (e.g.) buy at a hardware store that I can surround the speaker cable with that will make it stand out less and yet won't harm the sound?

Thanks in advance.

All --

These are great. I'll look into the tech flex and the braided stuff.


office supply stores sell cable covers ... they come in a couple colors ... you would be able to walk on your cables then as they are designed to cover cables that could be walked on or rolled on by office chairs ... whether they would pass the WAF is a question only YOUR wife can answer
Go to parts express and buy sone expandable sleeve for wire, they come in different colors and sizes. Get the right color that matches you floor. Problem solved.
Found some great expandable braided sleeve stuff on ebay. Thanks for the excellent suggestions.