Can all power cords be classified as 1 of 2 types?

I've tried lots of cords over the years, and it always seems like a cord has either solid/controlled/transparent/grounded bass OR smooth/liquid highs but not both.

When a cord is has that high-quality rock-solid detailed open bass, the highs are often a compromise, maybe a bit brittle or stinging.

When a cord resolves the highs so that they never make me wince but still seem not to be rolled off, the bass sounds a bit muddy or opaque.

I've tried a number of cords in many price categories that leave me saying that the bass OR the highs are just right (or even perfect), but they always let me down at the other end of the spectrum.

(Sorry for all the adjectives here.)
In the end, the cords I end up using compromise a bit on both ends of the spectrum, but none of the ones I try do it all.
Yes, good and bad. Seriously, I have found that mine sound different in different applications. You would expect this as the sound you hear is due to the interaction of two sets of electrical parameters, the cord and the component, and they will vary in every case. In a blind listening test HIFICRITIC did cords that were good for amps were not good for CD players and vice versa. So I have an assortment of quite good cables and use them where they sound best. I admit that I have not explored the $1000+ range of PCs, perhaps there is a price above which PCs do everything well;I doubt it myself.
Hey Stan, thanks for that reply; it pretty much says it all. Basically, it is a struggle with too many independent variables to make choosing things easy.
Somehow, things seemed easier back in the 70's using lamp cord and the captive ICs and power cords on things like my AR turntable :). But if I listened to my old system now, I'd probably not be too happy.

By the way, your instinct is correct, and a lot of megabuck cords have the flaws I mentioned at the top of this thread.
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