speaker cable upgrade

Should I invest approx $1200 on speaker cables for my sonus faber GPH speakers or just upgrade the speakers. I started with IC golden ref and digital cable cardas digital 15 with very good results. The current speaker cables are ps audio premier plus and upgrade will be to cardas golden ref.
Much more bang for the buck with a speaker upgrade. Once you've found your "ideal" speakers then blos some dough on the cabling.

The only slightly different perspective I would offer is that it often requires doubling your cost to get a significant improvement w a new component, assumming you have properly matched the item in question (in this case, amp/speaker interface). So you might be looking at speakers that retailed for about $7K, if you went that route. If used price is 1/2 that, you might have to spend about $3500. Now, these days, prices are down so that may not apply, nor would it if you paid too much or got a great deal. If you want a different flavor that's another matter. Just my $0.02.
please do yourself a favor and listen to Elizabeth and take her word for it...I will not get involved because this is the most taboo issue on every audio blog. And when you disagree the daggers come out. I will say please read what a Dr Howard Johnson {not the restaurant}has to say about spending large amounts of money on cables first before departing with your funds.This man is not a hack in the industry and should give you great incite and help you with your decision..

Who relies on Dr. Johnson's advice? Here is a short list: Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Cisco, Motorola, Northern Telecom, Tektronix, LeCroy, Agilent, Micron, Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, NASA, and BAE Systems.
$1200 on speaker cables is, IMHO, insane no matter what the price of the speaker. Of course you will get much more out of a speaker upgrade.