Best Cables for ARC gear

OK, I started a few months ago upgrading and can't stop! The current question is one frequently asked but if I may I will pose this question again:
Best balanced cables for ARC gear, ACR CDMKII-ARC LS25MKII-ARC VT100MKII. I have Single ended cables (Cardas Gold Ref and Transparent Plus) They each sound different for sure but when switching to standard mic cable, it totally blows the RCA's away. Not just more gain but cleaner, clearer,deeper, stronger, etc. I cant let my friends see cheap mic cables in my rig so I would like some opinion from those who have ARC gear. BTW for the purpose of this IC quest I have paired CD/PRE with my pair of Genelec studio monitors which in the near field can reveal EVERYTHING! Thank you
Why can't you let your friends see you with cheap mic cables?? If they are working for you, then stick with them and thank your stars you don't have to spend a bundle on cabling. Use the money to buy music. My 2c worth.
Hi I have a similar setup:
ARC Ref 3

Change you power cables first! This will give you the biggest bang for the buck. Try Shunyata Black Mamba

I have a similar system. ARC Ref CD7, LS25 mk2 and Ref 110 amp. I have also owned a VT100 mk3 and CD3 in the past. I use Audio Research Litzlink II Balanced Interconnects between my LS25 mk2 and Ref 110 and a double run of Audio Research Litzline II between my amp and speakers. I have an old pair of Synergistic Research cables between my CD7 and LS25. I played with a number of cables including Cardas in the past but have always found the ARC to be the best match for ARC gear. Until recently it was the cable Audio Research used in house.

Excellent cable for the money and especially used as they are no longer made. My cables are 8 to 10 years old and I really believe that cables get better the more they are used.