Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic

I now have compared and now own 2 of Audio magics new Liquid Air cables this new liquid conductor is the 1st True liquid conductor on the market I have the Sorcerers
which I did compare with many $1k interconnects and these cables are smooth at first you think a little laid back but not the case there is no metal in the conductor .All metal based cables have inherant high frequency ringing that comes out as distortion and pick up RFI Not so with these cables they take a solid 300 hrs just to start settling in.IN my main system I have the Illusions
I just want to report that the interconnects are breaking in very well I am hearing details in Beatles music and voices that were just a blur in other high end cables and voices sound true to life with exceptional timing and depth if instruments is exceptional even after 300 hours the Bass is exceptional and very articulate. I am told they will continue to improve ,it is hard to believe they can get better still, these liquid Illusion interconnects are the best new
cable technologies I know of.I can tell you briefly the speaker cables just increase the performance even better. A good description would be in a nutshell a very natural sounding signal . Check them out they have 4 different price groups even the entry level cable is better than anything in it's price group overall.
Since the topic of liquid conductors has been brought up again, it is fair to point out there are at least two other manufacturers of such products. Cerious Technologies has been making cables with liquid ceramic conductors for a few years. Teo Audio also has been making their Liquid Cables which are unique in their use of liquid metal conductors, a proprietary, patent applied for, blend of gallium, indium, and tin.

For those attending THE Show in Las Vegas in about two weeks, Teo Audio will be demonstrating in Room 4036 at the Flamingo Hilton. Please stop by for a listen.

Dealer disclaimer.
The other 2 companys use liquid they are still using metals in their conductors, Audio Magic uses No metal for it's conductors
and this is why they donot suffer from the RFi and ringing at higher frequencies ,they have a very natural balance ,and have 4 different price points .I have several freinds who own them and even the entry level cable betters anything at it's respective price point, that is saying a lot !
I too have had the liquid air cables from AM in my system. Yes, they are exceptional in some ways, especially bass and PRAT. They are also smooth. However there was a tonal flaw which I just could not get over. The tones had a whitish hue to it instead of the regular coppery-golden hue which we normally hear from real instruments. This coloration was present all throughout the midrange to the highs. For example saxophone sounded like a white metal rather than sounding brassy. Same with Cymbals which sounded clean, smooth, shimmering but WHITE.

This was my observation after some prolonged audition of over a month, may not be apparent initially.
The proof is in the listening, perhaps explaining what a well known reviewer had to say about the sound of our system...stay tuned.
hi pani:

is it possible that the cable might be revealing some flaw in your system that other cables are covering up ?