recommendation for power cables for Gryphon amp

I have learned to appreciate the value of good power cables and would like to upgrade my cables to my bedroom amp.I have a Gryphon stereo Antileon signature amp,this amp requires TWO power cords.I do not want to take a second mortgage to finance the PC.Any recommendations for good cables ,could be new or used listed on Audiogon.Should be under a thousand each.
Hi Ramy,

i think you have advised me in the past, and i've always appreciated your help. i own a Gryphon Antileon and also a Zanden DAC, so we share some components in common. My entire PC loom is PAD Dominus/Anniversary Contego...except that the last 2 PC purchases have been from a new company called Sablon Audio. I know Mark Coles, the founder, but am not in any way affiliated with him. Just a very satisfied consumer...check out the review on Positive Feedback.

The cable is called the Robusto and is comfortably within your stated budget for each cord. Soundwise the standout characteristics are very black background and a very natural sense of clarity. They are more lively than the PAD...again always natural...and thus i think it could be a worthwhile match for you to consider with your Gryphon. Hope that helps. Enjoy!!!!!!

I have the Antileon signature and tested many cables.

the best results were with Stealth Audio DREAM and for a step up in price and performance Jorma Prime.

interesting...i have heard the same. i know someone who has a killer system and has switched to an entire loom of Jorma. The question is...aren't they more than USD $1,000 per cable? Perhaps s/hand they are under $1000, not sure.

I thought Gryphon had no US distributor. How do you buy them ? Manufacturer direct? How do you audition them even more importantly? I think it is always helpful to see which cords they use at shows and demos, but don't recall them being in the US market lately.